Environment Variables
Configuration fileIn order to configure InstaMate, a configuration file has to be created.
For example you can create a file called env
with the following content:
Set all variables with the expected values related to your environment.
Environment variables for runtime configurationVariable Name | Description | Default value |
INSTAMATE_HOST | Hosts allowed to connect to the web interface | |
INSTAMATE_PORT | Port of the web interface | 8080 |
GRAFANA_PORT | Port of the Grafana interface | 3000 |
SESSION_SECRET | Secret phrase used to secure your web session | Your Session Secret goes here |
POSTGRES_URI | URI of the postgresql database. In Docker, replace the IP/hostname with the container name | database |
POSTGRES_USER | User to connect to the database | instamate |
POSTGRES_PASSWORD | Password of the user | secret |
POSTGRES_DB | Database name to store data | instamate |
POSTGRES_PORT | Database port exposed | 5432 |
FACEBOOK_APPLICATIONID | Application ID from the Facebook developper site | required |
FACEBOOK_APPLICATIONSECRET | Application secret from the Facebook developper site | required |
FACEBOOK_API_URL | URI to connect to the Facebook API | https://graph.facebook.com/v9.0 |
FACEBOOK_CALLBACK_URL | Callback URL once the login is successful. The value is mandatory in order to get the authorization token. Once the token is stored, the value is not required anymore | required for the first login |
CRON_REELS_ENABLED | Activate a cron job to parse ?a=1 request to extract Reels information | 0 |
CRON_REELS_SEQUENCE | Cron sequence to execute the job | 0 * * * * |
CRON_REELS_ERROR_TIMER | Count to hold requests when an error occured | 8 |
CRON_LIFETIME_ENABLED | Activate a cron job to lifetime insights | 1 |
CRON_LIFETIME_SEQUENCE | Cron sequence to execute the job | 0 /12 * * |
CRON_LIFETIME_ERROR_TIMER | Count to hold requests when an error occured | 2 |
CRON_STORIES_ENABLED | Activate a cron job to stories insights | 1 |
CRON_STORIES_SEQUENCE | Cron sequence to execute the job | /15 * * * |
CRON_STORIES_ERROR_TIMER | Count to hold requests when an error occured | 2 |
CRON_INSIGHTS_ENABLED | Activate a cron job to media advanced insights | 1 |
CRON_INSIGHTS_SEQUENCE | Cron sequence to execute the job | /15 * * * |
CRON_INSIGHTS_ERROR_TIMER | Count to hold requests when an error occured | 2 |
CRON_MEDIA_ENABLED | Activate a cron job to media basic insights | 1 |
CRON_MEDIA_SEQUENCE | Cron sequence to execute the job | /5 * * * |
CRON_MEDIA_ERROR_TIMER | Count to hold requests when an error occured | 2 |