Available insights

Current information stored in the database are :

  • User profile
    • Biography
    • Profile picture
    • Insights (every 15 minutes):
      • media
      • followers
      • follows
    • Detailed insights (once a day)
      • Click on e-mail link if exists
      • Click on website link if exists
      • Impressions of the profile
      • Click on phone number if exists
      • Profile views
      • Profiles reach
      • New followers gain
    • Published media
      • Publication date
      • Caption
      • Comments count
      • Likes count
      • Engagement total
      • Impressions count
      • Profiles reached by the publication
      • Saved count
      • Media type
      • Media screenshot
    • Published stories
      • Screenshot of the published story
      • Publication date
      • Caption
      • Exits count
      • Impressions count
      • Reached profiles count
      • Replies (even if wrong due to EU GDPR)
      • Taps forward count
      • Taps backward count